In (belated) recognition of Mothers' Day, a tribute to one of my muses, my mom.
My mom: Yi Sook Cho (or Sue to you Yankees)
...well, it's really a tribute to both of my parents, whose blindly biased belief in my potential for greatness has instilled in me a completely over-inflated sense of self that has prompted me to try and accomplish things that should in actuality be well out of my grasp - things like trying to get into Yale (attempt failed), trying to get a job at Vogue Magazine (attempt successful!), and trying to start a successful fashion business (jury's still out). My husband, who just called me a kiss ass, would like me to add "trying to deserve my husband" which, of course, is a very worthy goal (jury's still out).
These people really love me, and for that I am very, very blessed and lucky: Yi Sook and Young Kap Cho (Sue and Young)